Test E (Testosterone Enanthate) 250mg – Cooper Pharmaceuticals Enanbolic

Test E (Testosterone Enanthate) 250mg – Cooper Pharmaceuticals Enanbolic


  • Strength
  • Muscle Gain
  • Fat/Water Loss
  • Side Effects
  • Keep Gains

Dosage: 250 mg – 500 mg / week

Chemical Name: Testosterone Enanthate

Quantity: 10 x 1ml Amps

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This form of testosterone brings with it the very same benefits that we see with other testosterone esters, with the main point of difference being the release rate of the hormone in the body once injected, and its half-life.

Studies show significant increases in strength within 6 to 12 weeks when using Testosterone Enanthate, with bench press strength showing significant improvements in as little as three weeks of starting, as well as significant gains in body mass.

Testosterone Enanthate is possibly the most widely used steroid as it is widely available, affordable, and extremely effective for performance enhancement while bring highly versatile and effectively used with almost any other steroid in a stack for both bulking and cutting.

Testosterone Enanthate is the perfect remedy for treating low testosterone. If you suffer from low testosterone, this simply means your body is no longer producing enough of this primary androgen on its own. As Testosterone Enanthate is simply that, testosterone, it will remedy the low-level condition. Millions upon millions of men worldwide suffer from some type of low-level androgen deficiency. Women can also suffer from low testosterone and Testosterone Enanthate can treat it. However, most women will be better served with alternative forms of testosterone treatment such as gels that contain a mixture of testosterone and progesterone or small testosterone implant pellets like Testopel.

Dosage Instructions

Dosage: 250mg – 500mg per week

Enanbolic Testosterone Enanthate Box of 10 ampoules of 1ml x 250mg / ml – Cooper Pharma

Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Testosterone Enanthate Dosage
Regardless of your experience level, Testosterone Enanthate is usually injected once (twice) per week to maintain the best blood levels of the hormone. Beginners will consider a weekly dosage of between 250mg and 500mg which will provide exceptional anabolic effects.
Intermediate users can increase Testosterone Enanthate dosage up to 700mg weekly, with some advanced users increasing the dosage to 1000mg weekly if awareness of the much higher aromatizing side effects is considered.

Testosterone Enanthate is effective both on its own in a cycle and when stacked with other anabolic compounds. It can perform exceptionally well as a primary anabolic compound but is also often used as a testosterone support to maintain testosterone levels when they are suppressed using other steroids.

Beginner Testosterone Enanthate Cycles
A 12-week beginner cycle dosed at 250mg to 500mg weekly provides an excellent introduction for the beginner by using the safest steroid in testosterone.
Side effects should be easily mitigated at this dose and a beginner will gain an insight into the effects of Testosterone Enanthate on the body during this first cycle.
8-week Test Enanthate cycle
What you’ll need is 1x10ml (250mg/ml) bottle of Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Cypionate. Just for your information 10ml = 10CC. Both are ok to inject just once per week, so they are convenient and very effective.
You will inject once a week for 8 weeks with the following weekly dosages: 125mg/250mg/375mg/500mg/500mg/375mg/250mg/125mg (each is per week).
Once you are done with your 8 weeks, it’s time to start your post cycle therapy. Wait 2 full weeks after your last injection and use 50mg/day Clomid for 3 weeks.
10-week Test Enanthate cycle
What you’ll need here are 2x10ml (250mg/ml) bottles of Test Enanthate or Testosterone Cypionate. You will inject once a week for 10 weeks:

  • Week 1-10 – 500mg per week Test Enanthate
  • (PCT) Week 13-15 – 50mg per day Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate)

You can also use 10mg/day Nolvadex (or 0.5mg/eod Arimidex) throughout the cycle to combat gynecomastia related issues.

Intermediate Testosterone Enanthate Cycles
Stepping up to the next level involves stacking other compounds with Testosterone Enanthate.

A 12-week testosterone cycle consisting of Dianabol at 25mg weekly only for the first 4 weeks provides a boost to this bulking and strength stack. Spanning the entire 12 weeks is Testosterone Enanthate at 500mg weekly which is considered a very effective dose for any user level, and Deca-Durabolin at 400mg per week.

10-week Test Enanthate/Dianabol cycle
For this intermediate cycle you’ll need a 2x10ml (250mg/ml) bottles of testosterone (enanthate or cypionate) and 100x10mg Dbol tabs.

  • Week 1-10 – 500mg per week Testosterone Enanthate
  • Week 1-6 – 25mg per day Dianabol (Dbol)

Once you are done with your 10-week cycle, start your PCT 2 weeks after your last testosterone shot. You’d use Clomid at 50mg per day for 3 weeks. As a safeguard you can also use 0.5mg/eod Arimidex throughout the cycle.

15-week Deca/Dbol/Test E Cycle
For this intermediate cycle you’ll need a 3x10ml (250mg/ml) bottles of Test Enanthate or Cypionate, 100x10mg (200x5mg) Dbol tabs and 3x10ml (150mg/ml) bottles of Deca.

  • Weeks 1-6 – 25-35mg per day Dbol
  • Weeks 1-15 – 300mg per week Deca, 500mg per week Test E

Once you are done with your 15-week cycle, continue post cycle with 0.5mg/day Arimidex for 4 weeks. Start your PCT 2 weeks after your last Test/Deca injection. You’d use 100mg per day Clomid for 10 days and then 50mg/day Clomid for 10 more days.

Advanced Testosterone Enanthate Cycles

Even the most advanced users are best served with a 12-week cycle length, but in this case Testosterone Enanthate can be used as a testosterone support compound and not the primary anabolic compound. That role goes to the very powerful Trenbolone Enanthate which is an advanced level steroid only and never recommended for beginners.

600mg weekly of Tren and 100mg weekly of Testosterone Enanthate to support testosterone function provides a powerful cycle for either bulking, lean mass or cutting.
12-Week Dbol/Tren/Test E Cycle
This is an advanced cycle not suitable for beginners.

  • Week 1-12 – 500mg per week Test E (2x250mg/week i.e. Mon/Thur), 0.5mg/eod Arimidex
  • Weeks 1-6 – 40mg per day Dianabol (split throughout day)
  • Weeks 7-12 – 100mg/eod Trenbolone
  • (PCT) Week 14-16 – 100mg per day Clomid for the first 10 days and then continue with 50mg per day for another 10 days.

*eod – every other day

Effect on Cycle

Using Testosterone Enanthate you can expect excellent gains in muscle mass, improved recovery, reduction in body fat and the prevention of muscle breakdown.
Even though this is a relatively slow-release ester, you can still expect to have your testosterone levels spike within the first 1 to 2 days of injecting Testosterone Enanthate as the ester slowly detaches and more testosterone is released into the bloodstream over time. Results are achieved with this steroid by its positive effects on protein synthesis, nitrogen retention, boosting red blood cells, increasing the output of the highly anabolic Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) hormone, and reducing stress hormones that can bring about muscle catabolism.
The important thing to know about Testosterone Enanthate is that it is not a steroid that should be used strictly for bulking or cutting; instead, it is thought of as a very versatile steroid that can serve any purpose. It’s all about how you use it and what other compounds you might stack it with.
Testosterone Enanthate serves equally well as both a bulking or cutting steroid but make no mistake it has a very powerful ability to promote the growth of muscle tissue when used with a diet that supports these gains, and of course, a high quality, intensive workout regime. In addition to the excellent performance and physique enhancements that Testosterone Enanthate can help you achieve, you can also expect to see the added benefits that come with using testosterone and maintaining a high level of the hormone; your mental and sexual health should see improvements during this time.See some of the traits that Tets E offers.

Enhanced Nitrogen retention:
By enhancing nitrogen retention, we protect the anabolic atmosphere and to a degree enhance it even more. All lean muscle tissue is comprised of approximately 16% nitrogen and when levels fall this leads to a catabolic (muscle wasting) state. By maintaining a positive nitrogen balance, we remain more anabolic. This will enhance tissue growth abilities and will be imperative when dieting when it comes to protecting lean muscle tissue.

Enhanced Protein Synthesis:
Protein represents the primary building block of muscle tissue, where synthesis represents the rate by-which cells build proteins. By supplementing with Testosterone Enanthate, the rate of synthesis is enhanced. This promotes higher levels of anabolic activity and enhances the body’s ability to recover.

Increased red blood cell count:
By increasing our red blood cell count we greatly increase our muscular endurance. This is due to red blood cells being responsible for carrying oxygen to and through the blood. Greater blood oxygenation equates greater output, more endurance and even plays a role on recovery.

Increased IGF-1 Output:
Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) is a naturally produced protein hormone (peptide class) that is primarily produced by the liver. This hormone is highly anabolic and affects nearly every cell in the human body. It is also directly tied to Human Growth Hormone (HGH) as HGH largely regulates its production. The hormone also plays a strong role on the body’s ability to heal and recover affecting muscle tissue, cartilage, nerves, tendons, ligaments and even our central nervous system among many other areas.

Other Benefits:

  • Significant Strength Increase
  • Improved muscle size
  • Decrease in fat mass

For the performance enhancing athlete, the effects of Testosterone Enanthate will be highly versatile and will stretch across all aspects of performance. The direction you go will be dependent on your diet and training. This isn’t a bulking steroid or a cutting steroid; it is simply a steroid that can serve all purposes of supplementation.

For the off-season individual, there are very few anabolic steroids that can promote lean tissue growth like Testosterone Enanthate. The individual will be able to pack on raw size at a significant rate so if adequate calories are consumed.

You must still eat to grow, and you will still need to train. This is not a magical supplement nor is there anything magical about anabolic steroids despite the popular perception. As you will be able to pack on a lot of size, as a bonus you will be able to do so with less body fat accumulation that would otherwise occur. High levels of testosterone will enhance the individual’s overall metabolic rate tremendously. This isn’t a license to eat with no end in sight, you can still gain fat, but you should be able to make better use of your calories.

Then we have the cutting cycle and high levels of testosterone provided by Testosterone Enanthate can prove to be invaluable. To lose body fat, we must burn more calories than we consume. You can eat the healthiest food on earth and exercise four hours a day, but if you’re consuming more than you burn you will not lose any fat. Due to the necessary caloric restriction, this can put our lean muscle mass at risk. The body will take what it needs to meet its energy demands from anywhere it can get it, and this can include muscle tissue. A well-planned diet will be designed to burn body fat not muscle, but as we become leaner the body will begin preserving the body fat due to its survival instinct and take what it needs from muscle tissue. By supplementing with Testosterone Enanthate, the pronounced enhancement of anabolic action will protect this lean tissue and ensure we only burn body fat. It will also see our metabolism greatly enhanced so that we burn body fat at a more efficient rate.

The final effects of Testosterone Enanthate will be enjoyed by all those who use the steroid regardless of their direct purpose of use. High testosterone levels will result in greater muscular endurance. You will not tire out as fast and will have the ability to do more work. You will also find your overall rate of recovery is greatly improved, which is essential to progress. Progress is not made in the gym.

When we train, we tear down muscle tissue. It is through recovery that we progress. This makes compounds like Testosterone Enanthate not only invaluable to bodybuilders and recreational gym rats but to athletes as well. Endurance and recovery are two of the key elements to successful athletic performance. As a bonus, high testosterone levels will increase the individual’s strength. This is obviously an advantage to an athlete and is very welcomed in an off-season cycle designed for physique enhancement. During a diet under caloric restriction, especially in harsh diets of a competitive bodybuilding nature, the individual shouldn’t expect much if any strength increases but he should be able to maintain more of it.

Sie Effects

Compared with other steroid compounds, Testosterone enanthate can be thought to have only mild side effects risks as is the case with other testosterone esters.

This is a hormone that the male body is naturally used to, and it is just the higher dose for bodybuilding and performance purposes that introduce possible adverse effects as the effect of testosterone in the body is amplified.

Testosterone naturally aromatizes at a relatively mild level compared with other steroids, and this is where we see the side effects developing as a result of estrogen conversion.

The higher the dosage, the greater the estrogen related effects will be. Individual reactions to the steroid will also vary which is why beginners should always use Testosterone Enanthate as a sole compound in a cycle to gauge side effects.

Other side effects include:

  • Possible hair loss
  • Acne
  • Gyno
  • High blood pressure
  • Water retention