Ostarine (MK2866) 10mg – Keifei Pharma Ostarinbol

Ostarine (MK2866) 10mg – Keifei Pharma Ostarinbol


  • Strength
  • Muscle Gain
  • Fat/Water Loss
  • Side Effects
  • Keep Gains

Dosage: 20mg – 25mg / Day

Chemical Name: MK2866

Quantity: 50 tabs

Product may differ from picture


Ostarine is useful for both bulking and cutting. It has direct anabolic effects by binding to androgen receptors only in the muscles and bones, and because it doesn’t aromatize or convert to estrogen or DHT like real steroids do, we can get the full benefit of anabolism where it’s needed without the dreaded adverse effects that anabolic steroids cause.

That doesn’t mean Ostarine can’t cause side effects and as we will see, one of those is the mild suppression of testosterone in some users but overall, we can use it with the confidence that the harshest effects of anabolic steroids won’t be experienced. And this also make this SARM very useful to female users equally as to men.

This is what makes SARMs like Ostarine so appealing to athletes, bodybuilders and anyone wanting a performance increase or physique improvements.

Ostarine can achieve its muscle building ability through much of the same processes that are also stimulated by steroids; after all, these are the core biological functions of muscle growth. This includes protein synthesis and nitrogen retention which will both be enhanced by Ostarine.

With such a wide range of uses it is little wonder that Ostarine is a popular SARM that is delivering impressive results for many different people.

Dosage Instructions

20mg – 25mg / Day

Ostarine’s half-life is about 24 hours so you can safely take your dose once a day and know that blood levels of the compound will remain at a prime level during that time. Depending on your dose, some users on higher doses may choose to split the dose into a twice daily administration so half is taken early in the day and the remaining half at evening time.

Ostarine is easy to take as it’s an oral SARM so no Injectioins are required.

Studies have discovered that even very low doses of Ostarine (1mg daily) can increase muscle mass in people with muscle wasting conditions. As these are people with already very low levels of lean muscle, bodybuilders wanting to take muscle growth to more extreme levels will look at taking a higher dosage, but those who are just starting out or who only want mild gains can safely start at this low dose and know that it has the potential to bring about some gains.

For a cutting phase where you need to retain muscle while on a reduced calorie diet, a dosage of Ostarine at 15mg daily is recommended. This dose helps protect muscle but does not, in most people, promote much growth.

To achieve muscle growth increasing the daily dosage to 20mg or up to 25mg is standard for most people, and while high doses can be used it is thought that the benefits do not increase noticeably above 25mg. A simple 6-to-8-week cycle will require some post-cycle therapy (PCT) afterwards by some men, while others won’t suffer any suppression at all. In any case a minimum of 4 weeks with a break without any SARMs is always needed for recovery.

For performance enhancement, a good dose to start at is 15mg per day. This will provide more than enough to deliver excellent results for most users. But those wanting to go to the next level will look at increasing the dosage to even double that amount, at 30mg daily. It is generally thought that higher doses don’t deliver great benefits, and that somewhere between 20mg to 30mg is the sweet spot for Ostarine in male users.

Females can make good use of Ostarine without the concern of virilization and most women will look at dosing MK-2866 at 5mg to 15mg daily at the high end. Even at the lowest doses females are certain to see very noticeable benefits because of Ostarine’s high anabolic effects.

Effect on Cycle

Ostarine delivers some similar benefits and effects to steroids, by operating in a slightly different way to achieve the same goals and with the bonus of not causing the same adverse effects at the same time.

While no substance can rival the sheer power and potency of the best anabolic steroids when it comes to increasing muscle, strength and performance, Ostarine is no slouch, and the majority of users will be able to see impressive benefits and effects with this SARM.

In addition to increasing the critical processes of nitrogen retention and protein synthesis, it has been shown that Ostarine can also boost IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1) which will contribute to greater strength and muscle gains. These processes combine to give Ostarine similar functionality to steroids.

These are the main benefits and effects you are likely to see with Ostarine:

  • Lean Muscle Gains – This is probably the main reason you are considering using MK-2866, and with good reason. The evidence is clear that Ostarine promotes the growth of lean muscle. You won’t be gaining the same level of mass as with steroids, but these quality gains are more than impressive and come without any fluid so there’s no masking of your gains with fluid, bloating or gyno.
  • Muscle Recovery – By targeting muscle tissues MK-2866 stimulates the repair of muscle after intensive exercise. The faster you can recover, the quicker you can get to your next work out and get those gains happening faster.
  • Bones – Ostarine improves bone health by enhancing bone mineral density which strengthens bones and protects against fractures. The small amount of estrogen that MK-2866 can cause an increase of is not something men should be concerned about, as it is critical for bone health and this low level.
  • Joints – Ostarine can bring about a slight increase in estrogen, and while this might raise alarm bells in male users, it should not because it is not caused by the process of aromatization (where testosterone is converted to estrogen), and this small increase in estrogen in males can bring some excellent benefits. One of those is improvement in joint health which is highly beneficial to any bodybuilder or athlete as Ostarine will assist with the repair and healing of joints. This is going to help you train harder and provide an important advantage when you’re on a restrictive cutting diet where some people can have discomfort of the joints. All users regardless of goals will benefit from strengthened joints which is the basis for your movement whether it’s lifting weights, running, competitive sports or any other activity.
  • Heart – There’s some early evidence that Ostarine could have the potential to assist with heart health in those existing heart disease by reducing lipid levels. However much more research would need to be undertaken in this area and it is unlikely to be a benefit that is of much concern to those using MK-2866 for performance enhancement purposes.
  • Bodybuilding Benefits – Boosting anabolic activity is what Ostarine is designed to do. Similarly, to steroids, this SARM will increase protein synthesis and nitrogen retention plus has the benefit of enhancing healing and joint health (a positive effect from its goal of treating osteoporosis). This aids in recovery and allows you to train longer and harder with stronger joints and ligaments increasing your tolerance and ability for more intensive training.

Because of Ostarine’s specific targeting of muscle and bone tissue and thanks to its ability to both grow and preserve muscle it can be used for both bulking and cutting. Retaining existing muscle while cutting is an ongoing challenge for any bodybuilder and Ostarine provides an alternative to harsh steroids in achieving this goal.

Ostarine helps keep the body in fat burning mode with this retaining of muscle tissue, making fat loss easier than if you were to lose your muscle and negatively impact the metabolism. When we talk about Ostarine promoting anti-catabolism in the body, this is the core effect, and it clearly makes this SARM very ideal for cutting purposes.

Those wanting to use Ostarine for bulking will see excellent lean muscle gains without the concern of water retention and gynecomastia which are estrogen related side effects of steroids. This means all the gains you make when using Ostarine are high quality muscle gains (provided your diet is correct) rather than some gains being masked by water retention which is a major issue with many anabolic steroids.

The effect of Ostarine and other SARMs on cholesterol are still mostly unknown. One study in 2008 using Ostarine noted a decrease in cholesterol levels among the study participants. With such little data available though it is unknown one way or the other whether Ostarine can positive or negatively impact cholesterol, or whether the effects vary widely between individuals.

Side Effects

When used at high doses that are likely by bodybuilders and athletes, we see one of those same problems that come with anabolic steroid use: suppression of natural testosterone production. High dosages and long cycles bring about this condition in males and is why following up with PCT, just as with steroids, is needed in these circumstances.

Very short term or low dosage use of Ostarine may not always come with this side effect. Ostarine won’t suppress testosterone totally like steroids do and the effect of this can vary between individuals. While SARMs do not aromatize there is some evidence that slight rises in estrogen can still occur, but for most people this won’t be enough to require the use of an anti-estrogen.

  • Estrogenic Side Effects – There is no aromatizing activity with Ostarine so you can expect no estrogenic related side effects that are common with steroids like breast tissue growth in males and water retention. It can come as some surprise though that despite the lack of aromatizing activity it is still possible for Ostarine to raise estrogen levels a small amount. This will be mild enough that you won’t need to use an anti-estrogen drug and in fact can have some benefits in males as men do require small amounts of estrogen – making use of an anti-estrogen drug in this case can eliminate all estrogen and bring about hormonal imbalances therefore it is not recommended nor is it required.
  • Androgenic Side Effects – Acne and hair loss and any other androgenic effects are not an issue when using Ostarine. This is because Ostarine, as a SARM, is very specific in the androgen receptors it binds to, and it does not impact areas that bring about negative effects that are so common with steroids. Additionally, female Ostarine users are not at risk of developing masculine features like hair growth or deepening of the voice.
  • Liver Toxicity – No liver toxicity is associated with Ostarine and this is one of its biggest advantages over a lot of steroids that do pose a great risk to the liver. So, you won’t need to worry about the extra cost of supplements to support the liver.
  • Cholesterol – Compared with anabolic steroids which are known to often cause very serious impacts on cholesterol, Ostarine’s effect on cholesterol is at worst only mild. In some people it might slightly reduce levels of good cholesterol but for most people this is unlikely to be a concern or even noticeable.
  • Testosterone Suppression – Ostarine can potentially cause some level of testosterone suppression. This will vary between people depending on dosage and individual health factors, so some will need to do PCT, and others will be able to come off Ostarine and maintain normal testosterone function. Ostarine won’t suppress testosterone to the level that steroids do, which can often shut it down completely, but for some guys it can be enough to encourage the addition of an additional testosterone booster to the cycle, such as in the form of a supplement. New users to Ostarine can evaluate its impacts on testosterone by starting a low dose and adjusting as needed.

Ostarine, like all SARMs, is still in research phase by its developer and as such, there are still aspects that remain unknown about both its short-term benefits and potential long term side effects. Over $35 million dollars has been put into research and trials of Ostarine so far.

Like all SARMs, Ostarine is prohibited by the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency). There have been several high-profile positive drug tests for this SARM among professional athletes over the past several years with many claiming to have unknowingly taken the ingredient when it was not labeled on supplements. Ostarine has a half-life of 24 hours and can be taken once daily.

Most users of this SARM will experience little to no side effects. Some people might notice mild side effects. As Ostarine, like all SARMs is a relatively new substance, its full spectrum of possible side effects – especially at doses used for performance enhancement – are not yet fully discovered and much of the current knowledge comes from the personal experience of users themselves. This means there may be possible unknown side effects for individuals.