Hexarelin (Examorelin Peptide) 2000mcg – Cooper Pharmaceuticals

Hexarelin (Examorelin Peptide) 2000mcg – Cooper Pharmaceuticals


  • Strength
  • Muscle Gain
  • Fat/Water Loss
  • Side Effects
  • Keep Gains

Dosage: See Description

Chemical Name: Hexarelin Acetate

Quantity: 10 x 1ml vials & 10 x 2ml Water

Product may differ from picture


Hexarelin is a synthetic peptide belonging to the growth hormone-releasing peptide (GHRP) family. It works by stimulating the pituitary gland to release growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which play crucial roles in growth, metabolism, and overall health.
As a potent GH secretagogue, Hexarelin promotes the production and release of GH in a dose-dependent manner. This increase in GH levels leads to various physiological effects, including enhanced muscle growth, improved fat metabolism, increased bone density, and enhanced recovery from injuries or intense exercise.

Hexarelin’s ability to stimulate GH release makes it popular among athletes and bodybuilders looking to enhance performance, promote muscle growth, and accelerate recovery. Its anabolic properties make it particularly useful during bulking cycles, where it can help users achieve significant muscle gains and improve overall body composition.

Moreover, Hexarelin has been studied for its potential therapeutic applications in various medical conditions. It has shown promise in promoting wound healing, reducing inflammation, and protecting cardiac function. Additionally, Hexarelin may have neuroprotective effects and could potentially be used in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

In terms of administration, Hexarelin is typically administered via subcutaneous injection. It has a relatively short half-life, requiring frequent dosing to maintain stable blood levels and maximize its effects. Dosage recommendations vary depending on individual goals, but typical doses range from 1 to 2 micrograms per kilogram of body weight, administered 2 to 4 times daily.

Overall, Hexarelin represents a potent and versatile peptide with significant potential for enhancing physical performance, promoting muscle growth, and supporting overall health and well-being.

Chemical Name: Hexarelin Acetate

Molecular Weight: 887.04 g/mol

Formula: C47H58N12O6

Dosage Instructions

200mcg – 300mcg Daily, administering 100mcg at a time.

Effect on Cycle


  • Increase growth of lean muscle
  • Acceleration of weight loss/ fat loss
  • Increase of tendon and ligament strength
  • Enhancement of flexibility and joint health
  • Promotion of quicker recovery from injuries and training
  • Resistance to musculoskeletal injury
  • Improvement of sleep quality
  • Enhancement of athletic performance and physical capacity

Additional Information

Common side effects of Hexarelin can include feelings of tiredness or lethargy, as growth hormone can increase the desire for sleep as well as its quality and restorative capabilities. Although Hexarelin is a growth hormone releasing peptide, it does not stimulate an increase in appetite through increased ghrelin activity.

Excess dosages may lead to water retention as well as tingling or numbness in the hands and feet. This can be a sign that the dosage is too high and should be reduced. Hexarelin may have a stimulatory effect on adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), cortisol, and prolactin. Though not an issue for most users, this may cause interactions with certain medications or unwanted effects in individuals with certain health conditions.