Test Prop (Testosterone Propionate) 100mg – Keifei Pharma T-Probolin

Test Prop (Testosterone Propionate) 100mg – Keifei Pharma T-Probolin


  • Strength
  • Muscle Gain
  • Fat/Water Loss
  • Side Effects
  • Keep Gains

Dosage: 100 mg – 300 mg / week

Chemical Name: Testosterone Propionate

Quantity: 10ml vial

Product may differ from picture


Testosterone Prop is a testosterone hormone with the propionic acid attached to it. When injected, the ester slowly detaches in a controlled release time, and this is when the testosterone becomes active. This means that at its core, Testosterone Propionate is simply pure testosterone and therefore comes with the anabolic and androgenic rating of 100 and 100.

Often Testosterone Propionate will be injected every day of a cycle. On the upside, if you need a quick decrease in testosterone concentration for testing purposes or because you’re experiencing adverse effects, this ester only takes a short time to leave the body once you stop injecting due to it’s short half-life.

When used at a moderate dose, Testosterone Propionate can effectively remedy symptoms of low testosterone in men. When used at a higher dosage, powerful anabolic effects are possible as we will see below.

Testosterone Propionate also has the potential to increase red blood cell production, which can improve endurance and performance. It is commonly used by athletes and bodybuilders to increase muscle mass and strength

Like all forms of testosterone, it’s also easily and effectively stacked with just about any other steroid out there making it a highly compatible and versatile steroid for many different uses.

Testosterone is the male sex hormone responsible for many of the physical and emotional traits of men. It creates the deeper voices, sex drive, aggression and, of course, larger muscles in men. Testosterone makes the muscles retain more nitrogen, which in turn makes the muscle synthesize proteins better, producing larger muscles.

The downside to testosterone steroids is that they aromatize, or turn into estrogen, in the body. When the body has too much estrogen it begins to take on female characteristic’s gynecomastia, water retention, fat gain, loss of sex drive and testicular shrinkage are all most certain side effects of taking testosterone and letting it aromatize in the body.

Testosterone propionate is a commonly manufactured, oil-based injectable testosterone compound. The propionate ester will slow the rate in which the steroid is released from the injection site, but only for a few days. Testosterone propionate is therefore much faster acting than other testosterone esters such as cypionate or enanthate, and requires a much more frequent dosing schedule, to maintain stable blood levels. While cypionate and enanthate are injected on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, propionate is usually injected every second.
Women who absolutely must use an injectable testosterone should only use this preparation. The dosage schedule should also be more spread out for a female bodybuilder, with injections coming every 5 to 7 days. The dosage obviously would be lower as well, generally in the range of 25mg to 50mg per injection.

Androgenic activity should be less pronounced with this schedule, giving blood levels time to sufficiently decrease before the drug is administered again. To further reduce any risks, the duration of this cycle should not exceed 8 weeks. Should a stronger anabolic effect be needed, a small amount of Durabolin (Deca-Durabolin if unavailable), Oxandrolone or Winstrol could be added.

Of course, the risk of noticing virilizing effects from these drugs may increase, even with the addition of a mild anabolic. Since many of the masculinizing side effects of steroid use can be irreversible, it is very important for the female athlete to monitor the dosage, duration, and incidence of side effects very closely.

Dosage Instructions

100mg – 300mg / Week

Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Testosterone Propionate Dosage
Taking 50mg to 100mg everyday or every two days is a common dosing strategy for testosterone propionate.

Intermediate and advanced users may look at using testosterone propionate for more than 8 weeks and up to 12 weeks, with daily injections of 50mg to 100mg while stacking this ester with other anabolic steroids, or 100-200mg if using this ester on a testosterone only cycle.

Effect on Cycle

The benefits and effects of Testosterone Propionate are the same as you’ll get with all forms of testosterone, with the choice of ester mainly coming down to availability and your desired half-life and how often you’re comfortable administering injections.

This in turn relates to how stable you can maintain your blood levels of the steroid, and Testosterone Prop comes with some advantage in this regard because the more frequent injections you’ll be using (because of this ester’s short half-life) ensure that your blood levels are maintained to the most optimal level.

Thanks to its excellent anabolic activity, Testosterone Propionate comes with numerous benefits that boost both performance and results. These include the most important areas of anabolic processes in the body:

  • Enhances protein synthesis – This gives you a massive improvement in recovery and the growth of muscle tissue, since this process is how proteins are built by cells. The more efficient protein synthesis is, the faster your muscles recover from intense workouts and the quicker the muscle is repaired and grown.
  • Improves nitrogen retention – This is a critical process to keeping your body in the best anabolic state possible. When nitrogen becomes imbalanced, the body can fall into a catabolic state where you start losing muscle; this is to be avoided at all costs and the retaining of nitrogen ensures that your nitrogen output is lower than your intake of nitrogen – this is the prime state to be in for muscle growth. The better that nitrogen is balanced, the quicker the muscles recover the and faster they grow.
  • Increases red blood cells – More oxygen and nutrients getting to the muscles with greater blood flow equals increased muscle endurance so you can work out harder and for longer. Recovery is also enhanced with a greater red blood cell count.
  • Boosts insulin growth hormone (IGF-1) – This anabolic hormone is vital for many aspects of your bodybuilding goals: it’s involved in mass gain, endurance, fat burning and boosts protein synthesis which in turn directly contributes to recovery through the repair of muscle tissue.
  • Reduces stress hormones – Testosterone inhibits glucocorticoids. While these are important hormones in some ways such as for fighting inflammation, they can also promote wasting of the muscles and fat gain.

Other benefits of this testosterone ester are:

  • It delivers fast results and is quick to leave the body compared with other esters
  • Useful for cutting cycles and muscle gains
  • More ideal for beginners and females compared to more slower release esters

Testosterone helps to stop glucocorticoid hormones from dominating so the body can retain a higher anabolic environment rather than a more catabolic one which can occur when glucocorticoids become too dominant. This is one of the most important yet little known or understood aspects of using testosterone steroids.

Side Effects

The potential side effects of testosterone propionate are the same as any other form of testosterone. Using the steroid at very low doses is unlikely to cause side effects, particularly when the purpose is to achieve a dose that’s at replacement level for low testosterone.

When higher doses are used you do run the risk of some side effects and most of these are related to estrogenic activity. When estrogen levels rise too much because of aromatization, there’s the risk of water retention and gynecomastia.

When water retention is not addressed, this can lead to high blood pressure. Nausea and fever are other possible adverse reactions some people experience

Due to testosterone’s natural function as an androgenic hormone, you may also see some side effects of this nature such as acne and hair loss, but only those who are predisposed to these conditions are at risk, especially when it comes to hair loss.

Suppression of your natural testosterone production is an inevitable side effect of using testosterone propionate and for this reason a suitable post cycle therapy plan is required.

Other side effects:

  • Breast Swelling
  • Headache
  • Anxiety
  • Increased facial hair growth
  • Male pattern baldness