HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) 5000iu – Keifei Pharma Progona 5000

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) 5000iu – Keifei Pharma Progona 5000


  • Strength
  • Muscle Gain
  • Fat/Water Loss
  • Side Effects
  • Keep Gains

Dosage: 5000iu / Week

Chemical Name: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

Quantity: 3 x Vials HCG, 3 x Amps Water

Product may differ from picture


Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG – Pregnyl) is a hormone naturally found in women and has an important role to play in pregnancy; in fact, the hormone is only formed once a woman is pregnant as it is produced after implantation by the placenta and once HCG levels rise enough it is enough to confirm if a woman is pregnant.

If you’re a male steroid user, you might then wonder how or why such a hormone could possibly be of use to you. HCG does have a medical role for men: to treat low testosterone or hypogonadism.

Steroid users find HCG useful because it functions almost exactly like luteinizing hormone (LH). LH can be described as a pituitary analogy to HCG because they are hormones produced in different parts of the body (luteinizing hormone forms in the pituitary gland) but have a similar function.

This is where Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG – Pregnyl) becomes very relevant to men: LH is vital for stimulating natural testosterone production. This is what makes HCG a popular option for PCT usage, where the recovery of normal testosterone function following anabolic steroid suppression is required.

While SERMs and aromatase inhibitors are generally widely accepted as a necessary addition for any steroid user, HCG comes under much more debate with some anabolic steroid users swearing by its use, and others finding that it is not necessary or useful or comes with a greater risk than the other drugs. In any case, when HCG is used it is rarely used alone but in conjunction with SERMs in post cycle therapy and only at low doses for short periods of time if used during a steroid cycle.

Although considered a side effect friendly hormone for most people, HCG comes with one particular risk factor that we need to be concerned about, and this revolves around dependence. Thankfully this can be well controlled through sensible dosing and is a critical reason why HCG shouldn’t be taken until you’ve done adequate research into just how much you should be taking so you don’t put yourself at risk of dependence.

Dosage Instructions

5000iu / Week via subcutaneous abdominal injection with a typical cycle length of 4-6 Weeks.

Whichever purpose you are using HCG for – on cycle or for PCT – the dosage and administration of this hormone is very sparse and controlled and unlike that of any other compound you will be using whether that be steroids themselves or drugs like SERMs and AIs.

When buying HCG from your chosen source you will normally receive a small packet of powder containing the active ingredients and another with sterile water in it. These two items are to be mixed to form your injectable ingredient. Any leftover must be refrigerated for later use – do not store the solution at room temperature.

HCG Dosage During Anabolic Steroid Use
When using HCG during your steroid cycle you will want to take it no more than once every 3 to 5 days at a maximum. This will come as some relief since HCG is an injection, so you won’t have to be adding an extra injection to your steroid program too often.

A very low dose of HCG during this time is considered sufficient and this is usually in the realm of 250iu. There is no benefit to increasing the dose beyond this level, nor the frequency of administration.

This modest dosage is enough to give you all the benefits you want from HCG without putting your future testosterone restoration at risk by having the body become dependent on HCG which is an increased risk when you increase the dose – therefore, 250iu once every 5 days is suitable for most male steroid users while on cycle.

HCG Dosage for Increased Endogenous Testosterone Secretion and PCT
HCG is most used as a kick start to your PCT cycle in preparation for the use of SERMs afterwards. The length and dose of HCG during this time should be determined on how powerful your steroid cycle was and the level of testosterone suppression it is likely to have caused.
This can be difficult for new steroid users to gauge initially so a lower HCG dose is advised in those circumstances.

Many users will take HCG for a period of two to three weeks with doses every 3 or 4 days starting at 1000iu at the low end right up to 4000iu. This higher dosage is advised only for advanced users who have used HCG previously and understand its effects. Following this short HCG cycle, SERM administration can begin to carry through the rest of your PCT phase.

Side Effects

One of the great positive about HCG is that side effects are rare to non-existent. Unlike other substances used by steroid users like SERMs and AIs, HCG is not a drug developed in a lab but instead is a naturally occurring hormone. This means we don’t have to worry about adverse effects like headaches, upset stomach or other common problems that come about with the use of powerful medications.

HCG can raise testosterone levels so the main effects to watch out for relate to rising levels of the hormone and these can come in the form of an estrogenic nature. Water retention and gynecomastia are possible but are considered rare particularly because HCG is not often used on its own but instead combined with anti-estrogen drugs that will themselves mitigate these side effects when you are on a steroid cycle.

Because of the increase in circulating testosterone and DHT, androgenic side effects can be a concern, and this might include increased oily skin and acne, increased body hair growth, and hair loss on the head but the risk of these adverse effects is highly individual and usually only affect men who are genetically predisposed to them, in the same way that androgenic side effects come about from steroid use.

With the use of HCG during post cycle therapy you are likely to be using it at higher doses, this is balanced by the fact that your use of HCG is also likely to be only for a short period of time so the risk of side effects during PCT is again quite low. All of these factors make HCG a hormone that is unlikely to cause you many or any problems at all and possibly is the most side effect friendly substance you will take at any time of anabolic steroid use.

The greatest risk with HCG is not in the form of traditional types of side effects that we see with steroids or other drugs, but rather whether the body starts becoming dependent on the external form of luteinizing hormone that you’re consuming.

When this happens, you will have the reverse effect occur – instead of testosterone levels rising or maintaining at a healthy level with the help of HCG, you’ll be back down to low testosterone because the testicles have become reliant on the amount of HCG you’re taking in. This is avoided with low dosing and only using HCG for a minimal period of time.

Below are some side effects you might experience:

  • Pelvic pain
  • Swelling of the hands or legs
  • Stomach pain and swelling
  • Shortness of breath
  • Weight gain
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Urinating less than normal